Nature's Script Hemp Extract Legality

Hemp Extract Legality

Hemp Extract Is Legal

Hemp Extract is often called a miracle supplement because of its purported wellness benefits, but you’ll often get differing opinions when researching Hemp Extract legality. Most of the confusion results from its close association with Marijuana – both Hemp and Marijuana are members of the Cannabis family. While the plants may look similar to the naked eye, an important distinction separates the two: THC levels. THC stands for Tetrahydrocannabinol, which is the compound that’s known for producing a “high” and causing psychoactive side effects. Industrial Hemp contains less than 0.3 percent THC, while Marijuana plants contain anywhere between 3 and 35 percent THC.

Due to the low levels of THC in Industrial Hemp, it is legal under the Controlled Substances Act and is not considered an illegal drug. Even if someone smoked Industrial Hemp in its raw form, they wouldn’t experience psychedelic effects. Industrial Hemp is federally legal for this reason, and Nature’s Script products contain less than 0.3% THC due to our rigorous production standards.

Nature’s Script Hemp Extract Contains Less Than 0.3% THC

Industrial Hemp is legal when it contains less than 0.3% THC, and we go the extra mile to make sure you won’t have any concerns regarding legality by ensuring Nature’s Script Hemp Extract products contain less than the federally legal limit for THC. As mentioned, THC is the compound in Marijuana that can lead to side effects like impaired memory, altered senses and difficulty keeping track of thoughts. Our products undergo an extraction process to ensure that our Hemp Extract is high quality and contains less than 0.3% THC.

We Offer Legal Consultations

We’ve established that Hemp Extract is legal, but you may still have questions about carrying our products in your office. Our team members are happy to talk to our wholesale clients and distributors via phone or email and chat about any concerns, but if you need an expert’s input, we’ve got you covered. Your business is always a priority for us, which is why we work with lawyers who offer free legal consultations for our wholesalers and distributors who have questions about Hemp Extract. Whether you’re facing questions from customers or anyone else regarding the legality of your products, Nature’s Script will be here.